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Aerial view of a large cargo terminal filled with colorful shipping containers organized in rows. Railway tracks are visible, some with train cars loaded with containers. The area is surrounded by industrial buildings and greenery.
Aerial view of a large cargo terminal filled with colorful shipping containers organized in rows. Railway tracks are visible, some with train cars loaded with containers. The area is surrounded by industrial buildings and greenery.

Bayard T&L: Votre partenaire logistique

Bayard TL est une entreprise spécialisée dans la logistique et le transport international, offrant des solutions fiables pour connecter les continents et répondre aux besoins spécifiques de nos clients.

A large cargo ship is docked at a port. In the foreground, there is a brown metal platform with the label 'TRITON'. Behind the platform, there are two portable toilets, one red and one blue, along with other miscellaneous items. Several cars are parked on the port, and metal containers are stacked in the background.
A large cargo ship is docked at a port. In the foreground, there is a brown metal platform with the label 'TRITON'. Behind the platform, there are two portable toilets, one red and one blue, along with other miscellaneous items. Several cars are parked on the port, and metal containers are stacked in the background.
Expertise en transport international
Solutions logistiques sur mesure

Nous assurons le transport de marchandises depuis l’Europe, l’Asie et l’Orient vers l’Afrique, grâce à notre expertise éprouvée dans la gestion des chaînes d’approvisionnement et notre engagement envers la satisfaction client.